Transferring to WCCS

Students from other schools find Wildcat Canyon to be more challenging, engaging and welcoming. Grades transfers are common.

We have a strong track record of successfully transitioning students from other types of schools into our grades program.

If you are considering a mid-stream switch for your child, we invite you to contact Admissions to learn more about space availability. We accept applications year-round until all programs are full.

A common worry is that it will be difficult to transfer into a Waldorf-inspired school after Kindergarten. Our experience shows that students can come in at every grade level and find their way. Wildcat Canyon Community School is known for providing a warm, welcoming and nurturing environment in which every student is encouraged to reach their full potential.

Our experience tells us that there are several considerations parents need to make in considering a transfer:

Transitions take time and any student changing schools should expect to encounter an adjustment period. For the older child, these transitions can sometimes take longer as they arrive in a tight-knit group that has been together for years. But because our education puts so much emphasis on the social health of the individual in the context of the group, students assimilate relatively quickly.

Academically, students arrive from other schools ahead or behind in different areas of the curriculum. Our Waldorf-trained teachers are adept at managing developmental and academic differences. Inevitably, new students have a blend of areas they feel confident in and areas they need to develop further in the our school.

Some parents are concerned about our requirement to limit media. Don’t let this concern stop you from inquiring about what our progressive educational model can do for your child. Our media guidelines are an important part of what makes our students so special, but they also adapt as the children grow.

Wildcat Canyon Community School