
Wildcat Canyon Community School will graduate its first Eighth Grade class this year, but the school blossomed from East Bay Waldorf School.

The experience of EBWS alumni shows that graduates have many options before them. For nearly four decades, graduates of EBWS transitioned successfully into public, independent or alternative high schools, and highly-competitive preparatory schools. And that’s just high school – graduates now in their thirties and forties are successfully building their families and careers.

You can see some of their stories here.

Don’t miss our next alumni evening when you can hear their stories and reflections about their Waldorf education and beyond.

Alumni Database

Calling all alumni! Whether you were here for all eight years and graduated, or just spent a few years with us at East Bay Waldorf, we’d love to connect with you! Please provide us with your updated info and we’ll be sure to stay in touch!

Alumni Association

We are building our Alumni Association with the simple goal of supporting our alumni and having fun while doing so.  Again, you don’t have to have graduated to participate — if you spent a few years here and want to stay connected, you are welcome to join!  If you’d like to help get this initiative going, contact us.

Alumni on LinkedIn

We invite alumni to connect with us on LinkedIn where we are building a community where we can find out the high schools, colleges, and industries are alumni are involved in and see where we collectively go.  Please join us there!

Waldorf Alumni around the World

Waldorf alumni are not just from the East Bay Waldorf School. They are global.

Alumni, please join us at our festivals!

Calling all EBWS Alumni! Whether you graduated or attended for just a few years, update your info here!

Wildcat Canyon Community School