Teaching is an Art
Our teachers are artists. Each year, they work to update the curriculum for this place, this time, and their particular class. They teach through story, art, lecture, and experience. They look inward as well as outward, working to serve as a model for your child of how to be in the world. From daily meditation on each student to responsive communication in class, they are dedicated to understanding and drawing out the best in your child.
We are fortunate to have an incredibly talented and dedicated group of teachers and staff to guide your child’s education. The majority of our teachers are Waldorf-trained.
“Receive the children in reverence; educate them in love; let them go forth in freedom.”
— Rudolf Steiner
Early Childhood Teachers
Grades Teachers
Middle School
Subject Teachers
Faculty Statement of Core Values
We, the Faculty of Wildcat Canyon Community School, state the following to be our core values and guiding principles.
We embrace an anti-racist and antibias, living pedagogy and curriculum, through the deeper study of current values, past practices, and history.
We dedicate ourselves to diversity, equity and inclusivity in our students, faculty, staff, and greater community, with a commitment to self work in social, racial, and land justice.
We are committed to the seven principles for Waldorf Schools and the Statement of Equity and Racial Justice as outlined by AWSNA and the principles and mission of WECAN.
We are committed to making our school financially accessible for any child who wishes to attend.
We embrace outdoor education as a key component of our educational offering, as we are caretakers and stewards of the land.
We are committed to maintaining a center for healthy, spiritual development in the midst of a twenty-first century world.
In conjunction with the fostering of an inner spiritual development, we are committed to cultivating, in our students and in our community, the will to reach outwards into the world in order to effect good and meaningful change.
We are committed to honoring every member of our community, recognizing that we all have differences and that when conflicts arise, we are committed to taking up restorative and healing work.
We believe that any individual, in a role of leadership, or in any way representing the school shall act in such a way that their words and actions reflect these core values, as they represent the collective voice of the school.
We believe that these core values should be alive in all realms of the school.