Groveland is the perfect reflection of what we do here at East Bay Waldorf School.
Groveland Update:
Phase 2 is completed. The beautiful space opened in October and we couldn’t be happier! The children love it! Now, we begin planning for Phase 3 which will open in September 2018. Stay tuned.
Groveland Background:
We are taking a space what would have been left barren by the removal of trees and we are now creating an adventure playground that will provide a place for children to explore for years to come. “Groveland” will welcome children of all ages with its enlivened and inspirational design that gives a respectful nod to those trees that once filled the space.
At the 2016 Indigo Jubilee we began by raising more than $7,000 for the Groveland which enabled us to build phase 1. This space is being magically transformed into a place where our students let their imaginations run wild and challenge their physical capacities every day. Groveland can easily become a ship, a treehouse, a land far away, or even home base for tag.
Thank you to our generous donors, the team at Prospective Design and Build, our hardworking volunteers, and our faculty members who have supported this exciting project. Please join us as we continue to raise funds to complete phases 2 & 3 of Groveland.